API Reference


class sketchbook.Sketch(_Sketch__content: Union[str, bytes], *, path: str = '<string>', skt_ctx: Optional[context.BaseSketchContext] = None, finder: Optional[finders.BaseSketchFinder] = None)[source]

A compiled, reusable template object.

Sketch can be initialized directly with arguments, or by a subclass of BaseSketchFinder.

  • __content – The content of this sketch. This can be a string or a bytestring. If a bytestring is passed, the content will be decoded with source_encoding from skt_ctx. This argument must be passed positionally and must be the first argument.

  • path – The path of the sketch, used by SketchFinder to resolve file relationship. Default: <string>.

  • skt_ctx – The subclass of BaseSketchContext to be used by the Sketch Default: None. (Create a new AsyncioSketchContext upon initialization).

  • finder – The finder used by the current sketch to include or inherit from other sketches. Default: None.

coroutine draw(**kwargs: Any) str[source]

Draw the sketch to str.


**kwargs – All the keyword arguments will become global variables in the runtime.


The exceptions raised in the runtime will pop up from this method.


class sketchbook.BaseSketchContext(*, cache_sketches: bool = True, source_encoding: str = 'utf-8', custom_escape_fns: Optional[Mapping[str, Callable[[Any], str]]] = None)[source]

BaseSketchContext and its subclasses are used to configure Sketch and BaseSketchFinder.

This class should be immutable after initialization.

  • cache_sketches – If True, BaseSketchFinder will cache sketches. Default: True.

  • source_encoding – The encoding of the source of sketches if passed as bytestring. Default: utf-8.

  • custom_escape_fns – Dictionary containing custom escape functions. Functions in this dictionary will override the ones with the same name in the built-in escape functions. Default: {}.

Built-in Escape Functions:

class sketchbook.AsyncioSketchContext(*, cache_sketches: bool = True, source_encoding: str = 'utf-8', custom_escape_fns: Optional[Mapping[str, Callable[[Any], str]]] = None, loop: Optional[asyncio.events.AbstractEventLoop] = None)[source]

This is a subclass of BaseSketchContext designed to be used with the asyncio module in the standard library.


**kwargs – This class also takes all the arguments from BaseSketchContext.

property loop: asyncio.events.AbstractEventLoop

Event loop used by the sketch context.

class sketchbook.CurioSketchContext(*, cache_sketches: bool = True, source_encoding: str = 'utf-8', custom_escape_fns: Optional[Mapping[str, Callable[[Any], str]]] = None)[source]

This is a subclass of BaseSketchContext designed to be used with the concurrent I/O library.

class sketchbook.SketchContext

Deprecated since version 0.2.0: Use AsyncioSketchContext instead.

A Deprecated alias of AsyncioSketchContext


class sketchbook.BaseSketchFinder(*, skt_ctx: Optional[sketchbook.context.BaseSketchContext] = None)[source]

Base Sketch Finder.

To create a custom sketch finder, subclass this class and override corresponding methods.


skt_ctx – The AsyncioSketchContext to be used by the BaseSketchFinder and Sketch. Default: None (Create a new AsyncioSketchContext upon initialization).

__init__(*, skt_ctx: Optional[sketchbook.context.BaseSketchContext] = None) None[source]

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

coroutine _find_abs_path(skt_path: str, origin_path: Optional[str] = None) str[source]

This is an abc.abstractmethod().

Override this method to customize sketch discovery.

Solve the absolute path(starting with /) of the sketch from skt_path based on the origin_path (if applicable).


If no matched file is found, it should raise a SketchNotFoundError.

coroutine _load_sketch_content(skt_path: str) Union[str, bytes][source]

This is an abc.abstractmethod().

Override this method to customize sketch loading.

Load the sketch content as string or bytestring.


If no matched sketch can be found, it should raise a SketchNotFoundError.

coroutine find(skt_path: str) sketchbook.sketch.Sketch[source]

Find the sketch corresponding to the given skt_path and initialize them with skt_ctx.


If no sketch is matched, this method will raise a SketchNotFoundError.

class sketchbook.AsyncSketchFinder(_AsyncSketchFinder__root_path: str, *, executor: Optional[concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor] = None, skt_ctx: Optional[sketchbook.context.AsyncioSketchContext] = None)[source]

An implementation of BaseSketchFinder using aiofiles to load sketches from the local file system asynchronously.


This finder must be used with an asyncio event loop.

  • __root_path – The root path of the finder. Use / in inclusion and inheritance to indicate the root path. This argument must be passed positionally and must be the first argument.

  • executor – The executor used by aiofiles to load files. Default: None (Create a new executor upon initialization).

  • skt_ctx – The AsyncioSketchContext to be used by the AsyncSketchFinder and Sketch. Default: None (Create a new AsyncioSketchContext upon initialization).

class sketchbook.SyncSketchFinder(_SyncSketchFinder__root_path: str, *, executor: Optional[concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor] = None, skt_ctx: Optional[sketchbook.context.BaseSketchContext] = None)[source]

An implementation of BaseSketchFinder using the synchronous file system operations from standard library.

  • __root_path – The root path of the finder. Use / in inclusion and inheritance to indicate the root path. This argument must be passed positionally and must be the first argument.

  • skt_ctx – The BaseSketchContext to be used by the SyncSketchFinder and Sketch. Default: None (Create a new AsyncioSketchContext upon initialization).

class sketchbook.SketchFinder

Deprecated since version 0.2.0: Use AsyncSketchFinder instead.

A Deprecated alias of AsyncSketchFinder


class sketchbook.SketchRuntime(skt: sketch.Sketch, skt_globals: Dict[str, Any])[source]

Sketch Runtime – the self inside sketches.

The runtime provides a series of methods and properties that can be used when drawing sketches.

property blocks: sketchbook.runtime.BlockStorage

Return an BlockStorage to help developers to access blocks.

property body: str

The body of the child sketch(if any).


If the current sketch is not the parent of another sketch, it will raise an AttributeError.

property ctx: context.BaseSketchContext

The sketch context to be used in the runtime.

property parent: sketchbook.runtime.SketchRuntime

The runtime of the parent sketch(if any).


If the current sketch is not the child of another sketch, it will raise an AttributeError.

write(_SketchRuntime__content: Any, escape: str = 'default') None[source]

Write the content to the buffer.

  • __content – The content to write. This must be str, must be passed as a positional argument, and must be the first argument of the function call.

  • escape – The name of the escape function to use. For more information, see: SketchContext. Default: default.

class sketchbook.BlockStorage(skt_rt: sketchbook.runtime.SketchRuntime)[source]

A read-only, mapping-like object for SketchRuntime to access blocks.

This class can be accessd using self.blocks inside a sketch.


<% block a %>
<% end %>
<%# self object refers to sketchbook.SketchRuntime %>

<%r= await self.blocks.a() %>    <%# outputs 233 %>
<%r= await self.blocks["a"]() %> <%# outputs 233 %>
<%r= await self.blocks.b() %>    <%# raises AttributeError %>
<%r= await self.blocks["b"]() %> <%# raises KeyError %>
class sketchbook.BlockRuntime(_BlockRuntime__skt_rt: sketchbook.runtime.SketchRuntime, _defined_here: bool)[source]

The runtime for a block. It shares the same methods and properties with the SketchRuntime.


The content inside a block has a different local bound than the other parts of the sketch. To share variables between blocks or the sketch it belongs to, global or nonlocal the variable first.


class sketchbook.SketchbookException[source]

Base class of exceptions from Sketchbook.

class sketchbook.SketchSyntaxError[source]

Syntax error in the current sketch.

class sketchbook.UnknownStatementError[source]

The statement string is not a valid statement.

class sketchbook.SketchNotFoundError[source]

Error when trying to load a sketch but the finder cannot find it.

class sketchbook.BlockNameConflictError[source]

There’s more than one block with the same name in one sketch.

class sketchbook.SketchDrawingError[source]

Error when drawing the sketch.